Plotting genes

After Parsing GENCODE, we can start plotting gene bodies. GeneticsMakie.jl is transparent in that it shows all genes within a genomic window.

using Pkg
Pkg.add(["GeneticsMakie", "CairoMakie", "DataFrames", "Arrow"])

using GeneticsMakie, CairoMakie, DataFrames, Arrow
url = ""
gencode = Arrow.Table("data/gencode/$(splitext(basename(url))[1]).arrow")|> DataFrame

We can focus on CACNA1G gene as an example. We can use GeneticsMakie.plotgenes! to plot all genes within a given chromosome and ± 100 Kb window around gene start and stop sites. We can then use GeneticsMakie.labelgenome to label the genomic range.

isdir("figs") || mkdir("figs")
set_theme!(font = "Arial")

gene = "CACNA1G"
chr, start, stop = GeneticsMakie.findgene(gene, gencode)
f = Figure(size = (306, 792))
ax = Axis(f[1, 1])
ranges = [start - 1e5, stop + 1e5]
rs = GeneticsMakie.plotgenes!(ax, chr, ranges[1], ranges[2], gencode)
GeneticsMakie.labelgenome(f[1, 1, Bottom()], chr, ranges[1], ranges[2])
rowsize!(f.layout, 1, rs)

We can adjust the height of exons using the height keyword argument.

f = Figure(size = (306, 792))
ax = Axis(f[1, 1])
rs = GeneticsMakie.plotgenes!(ax, chr, ranges[1], ranges[2], gencode; height = 0.1)
GeneticsMakie.labelgenome(f[1, 1, Bottom()], chr, ranges[1], ranges[2])
rowsize!(f.layout, 1, rs)

We can change the color of genes and text using the genecolor and textcolor keyword arguments, respectively.

f = Figure(size = (306, 792))
ax = Axis(f[1, 1])
rs = GeneticsMakie.plotgenes!(ax, chr, ranges[1], ranges[2], gencode; height = 0.1, genecolor = :mediumorchid3, textcolor = :forestgreen)
GeneticsMakie.labelgenome(f[1, 1, Bottom()], chr, ranges[1], ranges[2])
rowsize!(f.layout, 1, rs)

Alternatively, we can visualize this locus by passing gene as a positional argument and window as a keyword argument.

f = Figure(size = (306, 792))
ax = Axis(f[1, 1])
rs = GeneticsMakie.plotgenes!(ax, gene, gencode; window = 1e5, height = 0.1, genecolor = :brown3)
GeneticsMakie.labelgenome(f[1, 1, Bottom()], chr, ranges[1], ranges[2])
rowsize!(f.layout, 1, rs)

There is no limit to the number of genes we can visualize. Below we visualize a larger ± 2 Mb window around gene.

f = Figure(size = (306, 792))
ax = Axis(f[1, 1])
rs = GeneticsMakie.plotgenes!(ax, gene, gencode; window = 2e6, height = 0.1)
GeneticsMakie.labelgenome(f[1, 1, Bottom()], chr, start - 2e6, stop + 2e6)
rowsize!(f.layout, 1, rs)

Gene density

As some regions have higher gene density than the others, it would be wise (for publication purpose) to visualize a smaller genomic window for such gene-dense regions. One can instead visualize only the genes of interest (e.g. protein coding genes) by subsetting GENCODE accordingly to such features.

We can highlight a gene or sets of genes as below. This can be useful when highlighting genes by certain properties such as those that are protein coding or those that are loss-of-function intolerant or those that are significant in some sort of gene-level association.

f = Figure(size = (306, 792))
ax = Axis(f[1, 1])
rs = GeneticsMakie.plotgenes!(ax, chr, start, (gene, :brown3), gencode; window = 1e5, height = 0.1)
GeneticsMakie.labelgenome(f[1, 1, Bottom()], chr, start - 1e5, start + 1e5)
rowsize!(f.layout, 1, rs)

f = Figure(size = (306, 792))
ax = Axis(f[1, 1])
rs = GeneticsMakie.plotgenes!(ax, chr, start, ([gene, "EPN3"], [:brown3, :forestgreen]), gencode; window = 1e5, height = 0.1)
GeneticsMakie.labelgenome(f[1, 1, Bottom()], chr, start - 1e5, start + 1e5)
rowsize!(f.layout, 1, rs)

Finally, we can make additional modifications on top of the figure as needed using Makie.jl.

f = Figure(size = (306, 792))
ax = Axis(f[1, 1])
rs = GeneticsMakie.plotgenes!(ax, chr, start, gencode; window = 1e5, height = 0.1)
GeneticsMakie.labelgenome(f[1, 1, Bottom()], chr, start - 1e5, start + 1e5)
rowsize!(f.layout, 1, rs)
vlines!(ax, start, color = (:gold, 0.5), linewidth = 0.5)
vlines!(ax, stop, color = (:gold, 0.5), linewidth = 0.5)

Then we can save the figure as below.

save("figs/$(gene)-gene.png", f, px_per_unit = 4)